December 13, 2006

The Blue Man Group

Griffin still says "Lello" for "yello" and "Candy Can." We're not in a hurry to correct him.

December 4, 2006

Griffin, who is already the sweetest boy in the land and tells me he loves me at regular intervals, tonight after telling me he loves me says, "I'll never forget the love part, Daddy."
Berit and I agree to pay $1 each time we yell at someone.

December 3, 2006

The inevitable is upon us: Berit got glasses today!

She has actually come to terms with the fact that she needs glasses. Today she and Rowan and Pam went to a play, and she commented to me afterwards that she could see the actors' faces much better when she put her glasses on.

Plus, they are some fairly stylin' spectacles :)