July 4, 2013

Tea and scones and trains. Oh my.

Our first full day in England was rather unplanned. In the morning, we lounged about our house and drank tea before heading out on foot for a 45 minute walk on a wooded path to Stansted House, a classic British stately home. Once there, we joined throngs of classic British ladies in tea and scones at the tearoom before wandering around the impressive grounds of the place. At the farm market there, we met Fred who informed us of fresh fish delivery on Friday (sea bass, mackerel, and many others) and pizza on the weekend.

On the walk back, we made a stop to pet the horses at Holme Farm, and another stop when we saw a sign advertising a stop on the Chichester Art Walk. The sign proved to be out of date, but as a result we met Alison, a friendly and talented potter (great raku!) who not only had been to Boulder, but who knew someone that both Pam and I used to do pottery with at the fire station pottery lab by Chautauqua Park. Small world (though I wouldn't want to paint it)!

In the evening, we drove to the small Emsworth town center where Berit found the 3rd, 5th and 6th books of the Harry Potter series in a used book shop. Yes, we already have them. Now we're evidently getting all of the books in their British versions.

Beware of Trains

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