December 29, 2003

Whoa!! That was a fast month.

Another Christmas come and gone. Maybe I'm a scrooge, but it wasn't really all that, know what I mean?

I mean it was cool, and the kids got nice presents, and we had a nice time with Pam's family and all, but in the final analysis, I wasn't that impressed. Maybe it's an indicator of my spiritual state, and I need to do something to maintain that.

December 3, 2003

While reading one of "The Magic School Bus" books the other night, Berit pointed to a picture of an open door and asked me how the illustrator drew it so that it looked open. So we got out some paper and pens and launched into a fun lesson on perspective. Examples I used included (but were not limited to) the old "Kids in the Hall" routine where you squeeze the other person's head with your thumb and forefinger. Berit dug it, though, and she did a pretty good job with the whole perspective thing. It lasted a few minutes before we moved on to writing "bubble letters."