September 28, 2004

Tough night for Berit. First she practiced piano, then she did her homework, then we drilled spelling words, and finally we read.

She enjoyed it all though, I had fun working with her. I especially enjoy helping her with piano. :)

September 24, 2004

Have I mentioned that Rowan spends much of her time listening to and dancing to the Shrek 2 soundtrack. It pleases her to bits when I'll come dance in her room with her. Me too.

September 19, 2004

What a great weekend!
We all went to Pioneer Days, an annual event that the Boulder Historic Society puts on at this ranch in the foothills to teach folks what it was like to live without electricity, running water, the internet...
Rowan was pretty tired which translated directly to pretty whiney and cranky. Still, she thoroughly enjoyed sitting in the seat of the big plow. We toured the ranch and were schooled in the fine arts of blacksmithing, lasooing, and spinning wool. It was obvious that the big winner for the kids was getting to manually wash, dry, and hang a sock (Berit did about 10 socks).
Pam and I square-danced with a handful of adults, and then Berit and I did the Virginia Reel. She didn't want to do it, but I think she had a good time, in spite of her efforts not to.

September 18, 2004

Berit has started soccer again, and is doing GREAT! She played hard this morning, running after the ball like I've never seen her do. She also had a chance to show her prowess in the goal.