August 22, 2003

Last night we went out while our 23 year old houseguests babysat. It occurred to me that Rebecca and Matias might not have heartless single-mindedness it often takes to overcome the girls' protestations. And I was right. The girls were to be put to bed at 8 pm. When we came back at 10:45 pm, they were still up, with Matias throwing up his hands in a plea of innocence declaring, "We tried to get them to go to bed. We really did."

Evidenty Berit and Rowan (Berit as the spokesperson, no doubt) told the young couple that they weren't leaving the guestroom to head up to their bedroom, no matter what they said. Not psyched to hear this, Pam and I told Berit that her consequences would be not going to Bridey's party OR not playing with friends in the neighborhood this weekend. She opted to be able to attend the party.

On the plus side, she did great at her 1st day in the new 1st grade. A bit nervous, but composed, nonetheless. Her only complaint was that Maggie was annoying her by following her everywhere she went. She even seemed to enjoy soccer, and eagerly did some kicks with me, and showed me around Douglass Elementary's playground.

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