March 25, 2004

Berit and Rowan and I tried to fly a kite in Chautauqua Park today. This was after they were making mudballs at home (kids really do make mudballs!).

There wasn't much wind, but Berit still enjoyed running with the string in her hand to keep the kite aloft. Rowan felt a little left out. I probably should have let her try to run with it.

At the bookstore, Berit noticed that there were a lot of Easter items out, and speculated that Easter must be coming soon.

"I hope the Easter bunny remembers to bring us stuff."
"Of course he will, Berit. He always does."
"Yeah, but since we moved, he might not know where we live."

I told her he'd know where we'd live, but she countered by pointing out that the leprachauns didn't bring us anything for Saint Patrick's Day. I told her that leprachauns don't usually bring presents for Saint Patricks Day, and she reminded me of the leprachaun-bear bookmarks they brought last year. I'd forgotten all about that, but decided it wouldn't be to bad a tradition for leprachauns to bring a little something each year. :)

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