March 11, 2007

We took a family adventure hike (after Boulder's Shortest Saint Patrick's Day Parade) up on Dakota Ridge. Pam had taken Rowan and Griffin up there in the previous days, and so they continued a dragon adventure game they had already started.

There were ogres and dragons, and the kids all had magic swords (long sticks) that Griffin had found which gave them magic powers.

Berit had the power of moving large objects (boulders) with her mind.
Bridey had the power of speaking to dragons, specifically Eragon, who guided them.
Rowan had the power of seeing into the future.
Griffin had the power of speaking really really loudly.

At various intervals the kids would all thrust their sticks together in the air and exclaim, "All for good, and one for all!!"

Towards the end of the hike, after the game was actually over and they'd even gotten rid of their sticks, Rowan's legs hurt and she was sitting down crying and confessing to me that she actually didn't like her power - seeing into the future - that it was Berit's idea that she have that power, and that she wasn't actually even very good at it. It was distressing for her.

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