May 19, 2007

Rowan: "If you lose all your blood, you'll be flat... flat like paper."

Rowan also told me what is the first "A duck walks into a bar" joke that I've heard from my own kids. It goes like this...

A duck walks into a bar and asks for grapes.
"This is a bar. We don't have grapes," says the owner.
The duck goes back to the bar the next day and asks for grapes, and gets the same response. This goes on until eventually the owner tells the duck that if he comes in and asks for grapes one more time he'll nail the duck's hands and feet to the floor (I skirted mentioning the duck's significant lack of hands or feet).
So the duck walks into the bar and asks if they have nails.
"No," says the owner.
"Then do you have grapes?" asks the duck. :)

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