July 13, 2008

Her name is Bellatrix Betelgeuse, and we got her yesterday. Sure - it sounds like we named her for the Harry Potter reference, but the names are the names of stars - Bellatrix and Betelgeuse being (I believe) the two shoulders of Orion's belt (her parents are named after two of Jupiter's moons).

She is six weeks old, has extra toes (polydactyl), and has quickly become the most popular member of the family.

Evidently, polydactyl kittens are in high demand, as her siblings have been adopted by familes as far flung as Colorado Springs and Florida. And get this - Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas sent their help down from Aspen to adopt two of Bellatrix's siblings. How about them degrees of separation?


  1. hi family people

    i also wanted to say that her other sibling was adopted
    by my friend-merritt sheperds cousin!


  2. she was so cute when tiny
