August 10, 2014

NYC⇢MA Adventure, Day 4: West Village, Berit! , Biking Central Park, Sea Shanties and Times Square

Back to the West Village! We rode the R  and F trains to 3rd Street at 6th Avenue (the Avenue of the Americas) so that we could reinsert ourselves firmly into the West Village.

There, we found the Scandinavian Sweet Shop, a vast expanse of clean white space lined with bins and bins of exotic, eclectic candy.

With unparalleled restraint, the four of us purchased small amounts of assorted Scandinavian candies - I really liked the salted black licorice and Rowan enjoyed something called an Energy Shot. Griffin however proved the sweetest of all by running back in and buying us all additional pieces of our favorites.

I descended back into the subway for my long journey through Manhattan, through Queens to JFK airport to meet Berit who is flying in by herself today. It's Sunday, and she's been on her own since Thursday - sitting Payton's dog and house and participating as a leader in the group that welcomes the incoming Freshman to her high school.

Berit and I rode the E train back into Manhattan and got burgers at Five Guys before finding ourselves smack in the midst of the residual pedestrian traffic of the annual Dominican Republic parade. Bazillions of people, many of the clothed in the DR flag, and we even saw a man with a giant boa constrictor wrapped around his shoulders.

We dropped Berit's luggage off and headed North to rendezvous with Pam, Rowan and Griffin to rent bikes and ride in Central Park. Pam, Berit and Rowan took a left turn down a one way street and we were separated for the rest of the ride. Berit and I had a nice time though, and we stopped to take a photo of the Manhattan skyline across this lake, both on the phone and with her Polaroid.

We caught a ride with a Turkish cabbie down to the East Village where we watched a short performance by buddy Scott's puppet theater troupe in a bar called Jimmy's 43. It was just a snippet of a show that they are working on for next year and was an utterly unique blend of pirates, shadow puppetry and sea shanties.

The kids got gipped on dinner, having had pizza before the show, because Pam and I held out and grabbed the best barbecue down there at a place that was as delicious as it was affordable.

Another cab ride landed us in Times Square, where we did not provoke the people dressed as superheroes. We took a picture for a nice Japanese girl who took ours in return before we departed to grab Berit's bags and head back to Brooklyn for our final night at Patty and Drew's.

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