June 28, 2018

High Fructose / Astrology

Last night at dinner, Rowan said she felt like she hadn't seen us all together in months. This felt like a bit of an exaggeration, but it was enough of a heartfelt statement to give me pause, make me think that I at least needed to pull them in for dinner together a couple of nights each week. Griffin hung out with us long enough for everyone to say their rose and thorn; after that, Rowan regaled Berit and I with one of her favorite topics - astrology, and how it applies to members of our family. She knows each of our sun, moon and ascendant signs, and she is fairly conversant on what they mean for each of us. When she's not, she quickly accesses that information in the notes on her phone. A lot of the personality traits were spot-on - Berit's Leo, Rowan's Capricorn, my Scorpio - but some, like what the description of Virgo for both Pam's sun sign and my rising sign - were way off, it seemed. Still, I enjoy hearing about it, and I really enjoy how into it Rowan is.

Tonight, Bennett was here, and we all hung out for dinner again - looking at Bennett's High Fructose art magazine volume, singing Billy Joel, answering Griffin's trivia questions and eating food. Rowan scared the crap out of Griffin, leaping up from the backseat of the car when she and Berit went to pick him up from Cabaret rehearsal.

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