December 11, 2009

Daddy Dementia

I was driving back from the park n ride last night when Pam called me to see when I would be getting home. When I asked why, she said because we had to leave shortly for the concert.


"You knew about this. I told you earlier this week."

And while some dads may default to, "like hell you did," I have come to accept that my brain doesn't always contain the breadth of dates, activities, performances, and other errata that come with being the father of three kids. Sure you may have told me, but have you told me recently? Repetition is the key.

Rowan's 4th grade choir concert was wonderful. There's a Hanukkah song they sang that I really liked and that Griffin sang along to. When it was over, we went home to study math and maps, in both of which Rowan has tests today. I am getting better, but still need to be more patient when it comes to helping the kids with math. Probably not being so tired would be helpful.

While I worked with Rowan, Pam read with Griffin - something he's been calling "the mouse book" which is evidently a series. He reminded me that we need to get Animorphs 4, a series he and I have been reading about teenagers who morph into animals to battle the evil aliens. Pretty cool.

Berit, who was baby-sitting next door, came home around 9:30. She's like me, needs to go to bed earlier than she does.

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