August 19, 2011

Back to School

Today marks the end of the first week of school, and I'm pretty proud of how all three of our young'uns have weathered the transition. Rowan is settling into middle school nicely and is very enthusiastic about her choir classes (two) and all of her teachers. She's attending the school that Berit just vacated and is receiving plenty of tutelage and enthusiasm from her older sister just for being there. She loves all of her teachers.

Berit, like Rowan, is in a new school - high school (God help us), and has daily provided us with a litany of her classes. What's great is that she has come home interested in much of what she's learning. Even the engineering class, which she dreaded, has been fun for her. Yes - she finds some things (Geometry) boring, but there's balance there, which - really - what more can I ask for.

I honestly haven't heard a lot about what Griffin's got going on, except that he spent his recess on multiple days this week volunteering to weed the Kindergarten playground area with a couple of other boys, which seems civic-minded enough. I'm just having fun on the home front with his blossoming interest in magic and juggling. YouTube videos to come.

We played basketball tonight - Griffin and I - and I played with all three kids last night after dinner together, which was nice. School has given us some structure, the likes of which was mostly deteriorating by the end of summer, and I'm appreciating that. On the other hand, I'm also appreciating that I don't have to get up at 6:20 tomorrow a.m. to take Berit and her two friends to high school. They start at 7:30, ugh. Barbaric.

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