June 17, 2003

Berit comes into our room in the middle of the night and asks me to move over. I'm not very good with being awakened in the night and groggily try to explain that, if she's going to be joining us at this hour, the best policy is to quietly find an empty spot on the bed.

I attempt sleep, but she's got a persistent cough, so that finally (might have been an hour later or five minutes... I don't know) I get up and give her a dose of cough suppressant. I then grab my pillow and kiss her goodnight.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going into your room so I can get some sleep." I say, rather grouchily.

I do go and lie down in her bed, but I'm feeling too guilty about abandoning her like that. I figure it's probably my job to shower my kids with love, especially when they're not feeling well and even if it's impinging upon my sleep.

So I get back up with my pillow, head back to bed and lie down next to Berit. I kiss her again, hold her hand, and we quietly fall asleep.

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