June 9, 2003

Rowan is abstract-expressionistic in her use of sidewalk chalk. She first thoroughly soaks a stick of the colored chalk in a puddle of rainwater captured in a construction bucket lid at the side of the house before carrying it back to the driveway. Then she applies the mollified chalk substance to a portion of driveway or sidewalk, until the chalk is completely gone, leaving a singular patch of color on the concrete. Then she repeats the process. I try to get her to draw a picture for me, but she won't. It’s just "blue" o "green" or "pink"...

Berit revels further in her newfound ability on her two-wheeler. She's doing u-turns in the middle o the road now. I don't let her ride in the street without my super vision, and she thankfully dons pads, gloves, and helmet each time before biking.

She's ardent in whatever activity she pursues. Her hand is just now healing from a terrible monkey-bar blister, and she's been very active on the monkey bars, even before it heals. Her new thing is hanging by her legs from a bar and then doing a flip and dropping to her feet. If any athletic pursuit is her "thing" right now, I'd say its gymnastics.

At the playground, Griffin is fearless as he trots around a moon crater structure that other boys his age need their parents' hands for. He can be a little aggressive, though, and Pam saw him push another boy who was also walking on the crater. Is that nature or nurture?

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